Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Pondering the Great Mysteries

During the week that God spent creating the world, on exactly which day did he say "and let there be dentists"....

How is it that the person who eats the last bit of Tostitos or the last of the Saltines doesn't notice that the bag/box is empty and leaves it in the pantry....or uses the last Kleenex in the box but leaves the empty box where it is...

How can it be that I had a full set of sixteen teaspoons but mysteriously I am now down to ten and nobody knows what happened to the other six.....

1 comment:

uberrhund said...

If you find the answers to any of these question please let me know and then we can all figure out why and where the socks vanish to in the dryer!

For some reason I have the missing flatware issue with the butter knives!