I got my Canon XT just as my son was on the cusp of losing his little boy look. I can remember snapping his picture and thinking that I was so glad I had saved enough money at the time that I did to take these precious last young boyhood photos, all the while wishing I had had the camera many years prior.
I can't help but think that any parent with a digital camera is probably in the throws of taking every possible picture they can of their kids - something our parents could never have afforded to do "back in the day" when we used film and had to send it out to be developed.
Tonight, I went through my files of photos of my boy just to see how he has changed in the almost 2 years I've had my Canon. I also wanted to experiment with making my watermark for photos. I know I probably didn't do it right but I'll eventually figure it out.
Oh, yesterday Miz Booshay tagged every one - sixth folder, sixth photo. This little redhead was mine.

I hope everyone has a safe, dry, warm weekend. Who do you want to win in the Super Bowl tomorrow???