We toured a college today with my daughter, who is a junior in high school, and we dragged my freshman son along - we figured it'd be good for him to see some of the same schools she's seeing - sort of killing two birds with one stone. While in the summer we saw my Alma Mater, St. Joseph's University, I was not thrilled with it and it just didn't seem like a good fit for her. The college we saw today, I absolutely loved. It's smaller than she would like but it has a lot to offer her as far her possible major and her interest in music. We'll see. I know she's thinking she'd like to be a bit further away from home but I have to get the point across to her that whether she is 20 minutes or 4 hours away from us, she will still be able to fully participate in campus life as she will live wherever she goes and mom and dad will not be there breathing down her neck.
Yesterday we put up the tree and baked gingerbread cookies. The cookies still need to be iced and I spent about $45 yesterday buying all I need to ice them. The kids want to ice them tonight so I hope to get some pics of that. Friday/Saturday I decorated and then Saturday I went to the high school's production of "Annie" - my daughter was in the pit orchestra - the kids did a great job - a very professional performance.
Had a bit of a disappointment over the weekend - had my feelings unexpectedly hurt but they were hurt just the same. I'm the type of person that when this happens, it just gets stuck in my brain and I have great difficulty getting past it. I find that the first 24-48 hours are basically miserable for me no matter how hard I try to let it go or give it to God! It feels as though the hurt is a ball on the end of a hi-li paddle and hard as I might hit it away from me, it bounces back quick and hard. It's an exhausting weight to carry around too. However, by yesterday afternoon I had gotten past it and put it behind me. We had such a great family day with baking and decorating. I am blessed in that I have two teenage kids who are still into family traditions.
I will post photos from my laptop in a bit as I still have to upload them. However, I wanted to share a link to a really, really fun site I found the other day. It's called
Cubecraft and even my almost 15 year-old son wanted to try.
I'll be back with photos of the weekend in a bit!

Ghost of Christmas past, present, or future?? Your guess is as good as mine.