Thursday, August 12, 2010

In Eight Days!!!!!

She leaves on 8/21 for college.  I have been so excited for her up until this moment, when I am starting to feel sadness creeping in.  I told her yesterday that she will be leaving for college as a kid (granted she just turned 19 but she really is still a kid) and she will be coming home an adult who is hopefully all set to pass her nursing boards and start taking care of people.  My little girl who I was told was not quite ready for kindergarten because she still couldn't master cutting with scissors is now going off to college.  I still have the packet the preschool gave me demonstrating her deficient scissor skills as they strongly encouraged me to to send her to another year of pre-K to give her another "year to grow" and "develop stronger fine motor coordination".

So, here I am now with lists of things to buy. She just came into my office and showed me the list of needed/recommended items the college sent and on it they have "stuffed animals". I think they know they are getting our "kids".

I have seen commercials where a daughter asks for the keys to the car and the dad sees the daughter as still a very young child.... There are days that in my mind's eye I see this......

But in reality, this is the little girl who is ready to set sail on this next adventure in her life.

We are in the midst of lots of dorm shopping. It's kind of fun, it really is.  I will miss having her living under our roof full-time but my friends tell me that I may feel differently when she returns home for summer break with all of her stuff, she will come home a slightly different person.  Life's all about adjustments.  I will adjust when she leaves and I will adjust when she returns.  Right now I am trying to savor all of the moments I can.... because she leaves in eight days.


Unknown said...

Dot. This made me cry tonight.
Little Colleen. Just as beautiful as can be. I hope she loves college. It was definitely the most fun consecutive years I have ever had in my life : ) And it goes quickly. In the blink of an eye it is over.

I know she will do well and excel! I mean, after all, look how great she learned how to use scissors.

Love you. Mean it.

Matty said...

You have and are learning how quickly the times flies. I know this three times over. I did the same routine with my oldest daughter when she went off to college. But as you said, you will adjust. And so will she.

Drew said...

I love that commercial and totally get what you're saying. Jordyn is at that little girl stage now, and I can't even imagine her heading off to college! I wish your daughter all the best. She has a good head on her shoulder. I have no doubt she'll accomplish anything she sets her mind to...even cutting straight lines with scissors. :)

Shell in your Pocket said...

Wow...that will be an adjustment..I can barely handle my kids going to kindergarten!

sandy toe

Christina said...

Nice photo memories. Best wishes as your little girl heads off to college. :) I love those commercials too.

Maddy said...

Awww!!! This is a BIG time for both parents and child! I remember the whole family went to see me off in school when I went away to college! Our goodbyes were and tearful! But it gets easier and soon enough, I had to beg the family to take the 4 hour road trip to Happy Valley to see me ;o) You'll be ok and so will she! Congrats!!

Life With Dogs said...

Oh Dot, how bittersweet. I'm so glad I will never know what it is to be an empty nester, but I think your circle of friends will keep you quite busy. :)