Therefore, my husband had to turn around and take him back home. I continued on to the beach with Ruby, only discover that she is petrified of the ocean.

Can you see "terrified" written all over her face?

I have never before been able to see such changes in a dog's face take place but plainly you can see Ruby is not at all enamored with the ocean like we are. She definitely has a "white knuckled" grip going on in this photo.....
Oh, poor little soul! It's definitely written all over her face! Maybe she'll change her mind about it when she's older.
Awwwwwwwwwwwww. That is so cute and funny Dot : ). I LOVE your dogs. I always loved Beagles. They seem like very friendly dogs. Just like labs but not as humungo.... :)
OMy goodness! The expression on her face is completely priceless! Could her eyes get any bigger? Too funny!
She has gotten so big too! She's a cutie for sure.
So sorry Ruby isn't enjoying her vacation at the beach!
I totally understand. Our dog was petrified of our pool... just saying the word swimming or pool brought on eyes like Ruby's and fierce barks. She would pace around the pool while we were in it, but if we even dared to reach for her she would run for the door! I don't know what she would do in a lake or the ocean... she is totally happy we don't have a pool outside our door anymore.
Oh my stinkin' heck, she looks so worried that it's hysterical! Poor little baby. :(
Maybe by the next vacation she'll be a little more happy with the water? Such funny photos to remember the occasion by!
It's easy to read her thoughts - "Get me out of here"!
That really is so sweet. She reminds me of a baby!
awww what a cute dog Ruby is - love alle your shots they are so fantastic - love his view in the face
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