Since school ended, my boy isn't spending much time vertical. I could have an entire blog filled with photos of him sleeping - in the recliner, on the love seat, on my office floor, on the sofa, and in his bed. When he's not eating, he's sleeping.
My husband capture one photo of him and the two dogs about a week or so ago. I then grabbed the camera since I was sitting at the other end of the sofa.
We got a break in the weather with an absolutely beautiful day today but that's all ending tonight. We are expecting a lot of rain this weekend. The weatherman just said today was the 5th day this month with no rain!!!
Other than a bit of a tussle with a bunch of ants, this week was pretty calm for us. Every time I think about the ants, I shudder. But, I got it all under control fairly quickly and I think I got them all. I don't like ants....
PS Vicki, if you stop by my photo blog, you'll see that I featured the dinner bell on your front porch!