Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Featuring A Bit Of Bokeh Today

Miz Booshay first introduced me to the term bokeh on a guest post she did for Pioneer Woman a long time ago. Since that day, I have always strived to get bokeh in my photos. Every now and then I meet with success.

Here are my most recent bokeh photos. I also used the picture of my son on my photo blog but I thought my son's face was worth being featured a couple of times. Plus, his posing for me was part of his Mother's Day gift to me. I then photographed our little neighbor buddy who is always willing to share his smile with us. My kids think he looks like Bobby Brady on the Brady Bunch.

I will try to get some bokeh photos with the new puppy soon, however I will wait until I am assured that I will retain all ten of my fingers. She is biting at EVERYTHING, including my camera lens when she sees it!!!!

So, what an upset American Idol was last night!!! Kris was in the bottom three so many times and here he has gone on to the final round between him and Adam. I was so sad to see Danny Gokey get the boot last night. I wanted the final round to be between him and Adam but I guess it serves me right for only casting one vote the night before for Adam. It was the first time I have ever voted on AI and just last night I realized I could have voted for Danny too - I could possibly have been the one vote that swayed things in his direction. What if it was only one vote that separated him from Kris, what if...... I could possibly have changed the entire course of events.

I take consolation in the fact that he is probably going to to do very well for himself despite not being this year's American Idol.

How about Jon and Kate of "Jon and Kate Plus 8" fame? I am so saddened by the latest turn of events. I am really the eternal optimist and will deny any negative "rumors" that I hear, especially when it involves people that I know and people from TV shows that I enjoy watching. I feel badly for both of them and for the eight kids. You hope fame won't change people but in the long run it seems to change just about everybody it touches.... so sad. Glad my daughter gave up her dreams of acting - I didn't want her going to Hollywood anyway.

The countdown to the end of the school year is really winding down now. The kids (and mom) cannot wait to be rid of homework and activity schedules, even if it is only for a few short 8 weeks. I think all us moms deep down inside enjoy those first 6-7 weeks of summer with our kids around us, it's just that last 2 weeks or so with them that really bites...... when we start humming the tune "It's The Most Wonderful Time of the Year" in our heads and begin to salivate whenever we see school supply commercials. My daughter has a full-time babysitting job to look forward to so she will be working from 8 to 3:30 Mon, Tues, Wed, and Friday at babysitting and then one or two evenings a week at our church's rectory. My son will work at the rectory one or two nights a week and possibly caddy at a local golf course. Vacation is still up in the air.


Donna Boucher said...

Beautiful pictures!!!Such cutie's standing in front of that glorious bokeh :o)

Christina said...

Those are a couple of great smiles! And what is it about dandelions ~ fun weed to photograph!

angie {the arthur clan} said...

Bokeh baby! You are capturing it so well!!

Carrie said...

What great bokeh!!

I kind of figured it was the end of the line for Danny. He's a fantastic singer, but he seems better suited to contemporary Christian or something. I saw much more artistical talent in Chris. Adam is so good, but for some weird reason he bugs me. I can't put my finger on it...

I have to say that is doesn't surprise me that Jon & Kate broke up. I watched the show a few times and had to switch it because I HATED the way she treated her husband!

Wooooo, look at me and my opinions!! Somebody stop me!! " )

LuAnn said...

Love your smiley pictures.
We only have a week left. Yahoooo!!!
Thanks for the note - No swine flu in this house. We are all good.

Tricia Nugen said...

Great Examples of Bokeh! Love it!
And thanks for stopping by my blog and your sweet comments!

Unknown said...

Love the bokeh!
I was rezally mad after american idol too. Chris was not my favorite and I just love Danny! :(

Unknown said...

I love it Dot : ). You are getting so good! And how great is it to have a neighbor kid/model : ).