I find it difficult to blog sometimes. My life, while I love it, is not very exciting. I prefer a calm life and am thankful every day for what I've been blessed with. This week I was very busy with work which is such a great thing. For a good portion of 2008, I feared that I would possibly have to go back outside the walks of my home to get a job. There wasn't a lot of transcription work for a while but around December/January the work volume began to pick up which was great news for me. However, since my work volume increased, my available blogging time decreased. I do hope to do more than one post a week and maybe with the nice weather, I'll come up with some stuff to blog about.
Let's see what happened.... Well, April ended and May began. I spent a week working with a puppy who loves nothing better than to sink her 5000 razor-sharp baby teeth into your flesh, your hair, the paper towel you are cleaning her pee/poop up with, and your clothing. My week was basically filled with the early stages of training Ruby to be a bit more civil and we have a long way to go!!!
My son's 1 year old Xbox360 suffered the "Red Ring of Death" so I'm seeing more of him as his usual 1 1/2 hour nightly stint in the basement has ended. (Microsoft requested that he ship it back to them and they are either going to repair or replace it. I'm not sure which). He's bummed and I ended up a bit bummed for him but what was really cool is that he now tackles the tech phone calls regarding his Xbox so he found out all of the info, printed off the return label, and filled out all of the necessary forms. When he got this Xbox, I told him that he would be responsible for contacting all tech support people as I am totally clueless when it comes to this new gaming system. He's learned a lot and while hesitant the very first time to call microsoft when he couldn't get an wireless connection, he is now a pro at handling these phone calls.
Lastly, we had a cousins reunion last night and I got to see several of my cousins that I had not seen in years. While obviously I didn't take the group shots (because I am in them), I did take the other photos that I am not in.

My cousin's granddaughter.

My cousin, brother-in-law, and my brother.

My sister....I used to bug the heck out of her when I was little. Face it, when you are 18 and dating and you have an 8 year old sister who checks out all of your dates and stands on their feet, it can be annoying - not to mention having to share a bedroom with said little sister. However, my sister started liking me when she was about 21. We are now friends...

Most of the first cousins - my other brother was missing.

My brother and his wife.

Cousins and their spouses.