I've been away for a couple of days to the beach with my sister. It was a great time of relaxing, reading, and knitting that I hated to leave to come back home to work. However, sometimes we do what we've just gotta do!
I got home at noon and walked the dogs, sorted some laundry, put some stuff away, and then worked until 6:30 or so, at which time I began putting my entry together for this week's theme at I Heart Faces. Sadly, when I logged on to the IHF site, I saw a note that the noon was the deadline today. (Amy and Angie, I hope you're both doing something fun!)
So, although I'm not officially in the contest this week, these would have been my entries. The themes were "Pets" (the squirrel is not our pet, only a visitor), and "Contemplative".

I blogged about our unexpected rodent visitor a couple of weeks ago. Here is another photo of "Oliver". I thought he had a cute enough face.

I knew I had the perfect photo for the "contemplative" theme. I snapped this photograph while on vacation. We were on top of Jockey's Ridge and I was fooling with the settings on my camera and just snapping random pictures. When I took this photo, I distinctly remember wondering just what my daughter may have been thinking of. I didn't ask her at the time and felt it didn't matter much - I loved the photo. So, when the theme for this week came up, I though "I have the perfect photo". She does look very contemplative.
Although I'm not officially entered this week, I am still posting my photos for fun!