My brother walked his daughter down the aisle. Can you guess how they feel about each other?

They are officially husband and wife!

That first real kiss of husband and wife - not that dinky one up on the altar...

The bride's two sisters (yes, I have lots of nieces) were both maids of honor. The bride didn't want to have to choose one over the other. We jokingly told my niece she shouldn't have put her gold tooth in that morning because it reflected the sunlight...

Great placement of bubbles on the bride's face, don't you think?

Here are all of the cousins - all of my siblings' children and my two kids with the happy couple. It is wonderful watching our family grow. We are truly blessed....

Although I hate to see the bride and groom get all sloppy from the cake slicing event at the reception, I still think these photos turned out so cute and both of them cleaned up very nicely and quickly too.

This little darling is my brother's stepdaughter. She is so sweet and she and my daughter ended up having a blast tearing up the dance floor. Although she is 11 and my daughter will be 18 in a few days, they were equally matched when it came to "Cotton Eyed Joe"

At the end of a wonderful, wonderful celebration, I caught the bride and groom showing most obvious signs of total exhaustion but total contentment too.
Jon, we already love you and are so thrilled to have you in our family. Victoria couldn't have found a better guy.

These photos are great! She made an absolutely gorgeous bride. I love her hair!
What a beautiful bride and hansome looking couple. Congrats to them!
Love and Prayers,
Congratulations to the bride and groom, they make a great couple!
Such a sweet shot of them at the end, you captured that just right.
Oh my goodness! she is so pretty! I love her dress. And the bridesmaid dresses. I think you did a great job taking pictures in low light! That is a pain for me too! What a pretty bride. And what a nice way to welcome her husband to your family. LOVE the daddy and daughter shot. So sweet : )
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